Aura Cloud in AccessUK 2021 Programme

We are on a march.... next stop UK

We are thrilled to be part of the of the #AccessUK 2021, taking place during London Tech Week. Aura Cloud is selected as one of the 10 companies participating in this programme.‍

#AccessUK is an accelerator programme specially designed for #Swedish#tech#businesses looking to build a presence and connection with London and the UK.

We see this as a great opportunity to understand and navigate the UK market and to learn valuable lessons from past and current explorers in building a successful, speciality B2B business.

We thank the Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the UK and Startup Sweden, Tillväxtverket and the Department of International trade, UK, for providing the opportunity and advice

... and congratulations to our co-participants :)


Cloud+Open Banking in the Nordics and European Market


Purple Is the New Black